Lets build something.
Dream it.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick. If you don't go after your hopes, your dreams, your goals, and your visions, You will be sick; you will be negative; you will be toxic; and you will be wishing you were moving forward. Your imagination has no limits, so let it soar and visualize the life you desire.
Build it.
Surround yourself with relentless human beings. People who plan in decades but live in moments, train like savages, but create like artists. People who obsess over their work but relax in their life. Find people going up mountains and climbing together.
-Zach Pogrob
Grow it.
Don't rush something you want to last forever. It takes time to build proper foundations, creative pursuits, careers, things take time. It's ok if you don't have everything figured out just yet. keep growing.
Venture is in my veins.
Business! A word being thrown around a lot. In a younger generation it’s trendy to own a business. But what is seen is more people being boastful. When a young minded man sees financial prosperity. But does not what to be a trend, fear can be load. In the end, all I want to do is create. To find a way to show what is being hidden. And grow a community that thinks similarly about being venturous and loving. “I play to keep playing”
Photography is a part of me
To start with a plea for understanding. I would say the impact of capturing something I saw with my eyes. Began when I was middle school age. It was this nudge to seize the moment, to keep it. Since then, I used my creative spark very little. But finally, the immense thinking about cameras and photos, drove me over the edge. I realign to explode with desires and determination.